Istanbul in an Urban Age

For someone who loves cities like I do, it was nothing short of fascinating to spend two days listening to the big thinkers -- architects, planners, academics, and activists from around the world -- that Urban Age brought to Istanbul this past week for the ninth in its series of globe-trotting conferences on the future of the planet's mega-cities. (The stunning, Bosphorus-side setting at the Esma Sultan Yalısı , a thoroughly modern interior re-imagining of a gorgeous wreck of an old mansion into an airy event center, didn't hurt -- nor did the decadent amount of tasty food served.) The event also marked my writing debut for the local English-language newspaper the Hürriyet Daily News & Economic Review , for which I filed two stories, an overview of the conference (" The future of cities in an Urban Age ") and a look at some imaginative architects' ideas for re-envisioning parts of our often chaotic and under-planned city (" New design visions for Istanb...