A little time at the helm of Time Out

I've just wrapped up a seven-month stint editing Time Out Istanbul , the local edition of the popular international line of arts and entertainment magazines. I spent nine years in the United States as an editor at Sierra , the magazine of the Sierra Club, and this brief return to my roots reminded me of how much I enjoy working with writers and conceptualizing packages -- or entire issue's worth -- of stories that will work together to provide a rich experience for the reader. As the head of a very small team, I also did my fair share of writing at Time Out Istanbul . In addition to our Gezi Park protest coverage in the July issue, and our Istanbul Biennial preview in the forthcoming September issue, these are some of the stories I most enjoyed researching and writing: “ Hidden History ” A stroll through Istanbul’s Byzantine past with Context Travel “ Resisting Nostalgia ” An interview with Turkish artist Ali Kazma on his fascination with transformation “ Literatu...