Year in review: freelance highlights for 2017

With all the juggling involved in a freelancer's life -- pitching, writing, invoicing, researching, editing, fact-checking, drumming up new work, updating websites and social media, following up on emails, and on and on -- it's easy to lose track of the big picture while constantly chasing after the next assignment and rushing to meet the next deadline. So it was good to take a moment to look back at the year and acknowledge that I'd published some pieces I was really proud of. Here's my personal top five stories from 2017: 1) Science, Interrupted War and strife have uprooted many researchers. Can their life’s work be saved? Discover, September 2017 This feature on displaced scientists and researchers struggling to resume their careers as refugees was one of the most rewarding projects I worked on this year. It's always a pleasure to work with Discover and my stellar editor at the magazine, who believed in me and this story enough to encourage me to take m...