
Originally from San Francisco, I'm an experienced freelance journalist based in Istanbul, where I write about environmental, political, social, and urban issues, as well as arts and culture, food and drink, and travel, in Turkey and the region.

When I'm not working, I'm probably off on a run, hike, or urban exploration.

My writing has been published by ApolloAtlas ObscuraBBC Wildlife, California, The Christian Science Monitor, CityLab, CityMetric, Culinary Backstreets, The Daily Beast, Deutsche Welle, Discover, Disegno, EnsiaEqual TimesGOOD, HyperallergicIPS, Lonely Planet, MetropolisThe National, National GeographicOctober, Runner's WorldSierra, SurfaceTakePart, Thomson Reuters Foundation, The Washington PostWired, Women's eNews, Women's Running, Yale Environment 360, and Zester Daily, among many other print and online outlets.

You can also find me TwitterInstagram, and my (recently languishing) personal blog, The Turkish Life

Contact me at jenhattam [at] gmail [dot] com to commission news or feature articles, or to discuss other potential projects.

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